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Tai Chi Serenity

Gentle Easy Movement
Building Inner Strength

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Why you should try Tai Chi
  • Improve overall health
  • Stay active
  • Strengthen joints and relieve joint pain
  • Cognitive function
  • Reduce stress
  • Boost the immune system
  • Reduce the risk of falling
  • It makes you feel good
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With just 1 hour a week, gain the tools for self revitalization with a time-tested practice that will promote healing, relaxation, fitness, immunity, balance, and mental calm and clarity.
Tai Chi for Health Institute certified instructor Craig Shafer guides you through easy, safe, and effective movements that also promote mental and physical health.
Positive change begins with just one small step at a time. Beginners always welcome.

Tai Chi instruction with Craig Shafer via Zoom

9am - Tai Chi Easy 8
10am - Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention

Use the Email link to register for free. Include your name, email and class(es) you are interested in taking.

Drop me a note if you have days and times that fit your schedule better.

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention
..form sequence.
In-Person Tai Chi Classes

1pm - Tai Chi Easy 8 and other forms

60+ Activity Center, Newport , Oregon

Registration with the Activity Center required.

Balance and Harmony
through moving meditation

Principles of Tai Chi*
Integrate mind and body
Gather inner energy
Gentle Resistance
Soft inner power
Weight Transference
Loosen joints, relax and stretch from within
Mental quietness
* from Dr. Lam's Tai Chi for Health Institute
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Principles of Tai Chi*


Slow … Integrate mind and body
Smooth … Serenity
Continuous … Gather inner energy
Gentle Resistance … Soft inner power
Weight Transference … Balance
Song … Loosen joints, relax and stretch from within
Jing … Mental quietness
* from Dr. Lam's Tai Chi for Health Institute
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Watch the Tai Chi Easy 8 Demo … click here
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Watch the Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention Demo … click here
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Tai chi is often described as "meditation in motion," but it might well be called "medication in motion."

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Tai chi health benefits

Harvard School of Medicine

Tai chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects.
The movements are usually circular and never forced,
the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed,
the joints are not fully extended or bent,
and connective tissues are not stretched.

There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems

Tai chi has many potential physical and emotional benefits,
such as decreased anxiety and depression and improved cognition.
It may also help you manage symptoms of some chronic diseases, such as fibromyalgia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Develop a heightened sense of awareness and build confidence.

Dr. Lam's form of Tai Chi is designed to be safe for people with arthritis. It is especially safe and effective for healing. Also, improving relaxation, reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of falling while improving fitness, strength, and immunity.

Tai Chi fosters mental calm and clarity.
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Deliberate slow movements gently build internal muscle strength improving flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.

Tai Chi stimulates metabolism, improves immunity, and reduces stress.

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Having studied ballet, jazz, and modern dance for several years, Craig was initially drawn to Tai Chi's choreographed movements. He quickly embraced Tai Chi's gentle approach to strength building and health promoting properties.
Craig teaches the Suman Barkus Easy 8 Tai Chi form and is a Tai Chi for Health Institute certified trainer in Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention, parts I & II.

Enjoying the natural beauty of the Oregon central coast, he is an avid photographer, and loves music, theatre, and the visual arts. He's also a proud supporter of the CoastBusters Walk for Breast Cancer in Newport and Florence.

Visit Master Trainer Darci Alexander's website for free YouTube lessons and schedule of workshops and classes.